Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well I went out for my jog this morning! I still have not hit the 5.15am mark yet, its just so hard to get out of bed in the morning!

I was a little nervous about the 3 minute runs but I did it! It was extremely slow, but I completed the entire workout! I am trying hard to trust the program, but it just seems so wierd to me that ii only a month and a half, I will have built up the stamina and strength to run for 30 minutes straight... Hmmmmm

Tomorrow I go to the running store to buy some running shoes ( also am going to the dentist, doctor, and getting my hair did... it will be a busy, busy sick day...).

Talk to you all Thursday!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well it has been a busy, busy week for me! I have been condensing my classroom to accommodate the art teacher and gearing up for my conservatory classes to start!

Week 2 went well! My only concern is that I am jogging really, really slow. I don't know if that is normal. And my knees are kind of sore. I make it a point to jog and walk on dirt or loose ground for the majority of my run...

We shall see what happens during week 3! ( I can't believe that week 3 is almost here! )

Monday, August 23, 2010


Well I completed week one!

Saturday was very busy for me so I had to use it as my resting day. I ran my 3rd run on Sunday morning before work and I was impressed that it seemed a lot easier than day 1. I guess I must be getting stronger. I tried to run each of my 60 second intervals as fast as I could be an entire minute, to try and push myself to become better, faster, stronger...

Well my run for W2D1 is up tomorrow! Whoo...

Thursday, August 19, 2010



Well I made it out for my run at 5:40am this morning. Unfortunatly, I didn't hit my 5:15am goal, hopefully I will next week!

When I go running I am trying to keep my mind positive that I will eventually make it to the end of this hellish half hour of my life. I focused on my breathing this morning and my form. I am pretty proud to say that I jogged with a form that suggested a little more grace than the simple survival technique I had Tuesday.

Saturday is my next run! It wont be an early morning jog ( thank goodness). Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Well getting up was the hardest part! My 5am alarm beeps far earlier than I anticipated and I didnt make it out until 5:50! Goal for Thursday 5:15!

As far as the run went...it went. I made it through, running for the minute and walking for the 90 seconds. I was pretty slow though...I will have to drive my route after work tonight and see how far I actually traveled. But I feel great now and ready for the day! While I was jogging I considered modifing the plan and doing each week for two weeks in a row, and thus taking 18 weeks in total. But now that I am not in the heat of the moment I think I am going to shoot for the 9 weeks. I think running is a lot of mental toughness... so between the dieting, exercising, going to work and school, I think I am going to be pretty tough by X-Mas (or completely exhausted).

Stay tuned.