Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Well getting up was the hardest part! My 5am alarm beeps far earlier than I anticipated and I didnt make it out until 5:50! Goal for Thursday 5:15!

As far as the run went...it went. I made it through, running for the minute and walking for the 90 seconds. I was pretty slow though...I will have to drive my route after work tonight and see how far I actually traveled. But I feel great now and ready for the day! While I was jogging I considered modifing the plan and doing each week for two weeks in a row, and thus taking 18 weeks in total. But now that I am not in the heat of the moment I think I am going to shoot for the 9 weeks. I think running is a lot of mental toughness... so between the dieting, exercising, going to work and school, I think I am going to be pretty tough by X-Mas (or completely exhausted).

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Run Forest, Run!
    1. Do not double the program. You can do it in 9 weeks!
    2. You are going to be tough by mid-October when we hike the Grand Canyon!
    3. Maybe you should look into becoming a foster parent or raising alligators because honestly, it looks like you have LOTS of time on your hands!
    Love you, Moo
