Tuesday, September 28, 2010

W7 Day 1

So I was running the big block by my house. And apparently they are working on the sewer system... Ewwwwwwww... As I am breathing deeply from my "belly," i.e. diaphragm, I am not only choking back car exhaust and sewer. Like fresh, poop, sewer. Steaming piles of doo.. Yuck.

On another note, not only did I run 25 minutes again today, but I also got myself out of bed at 5.15 A.M. to do it. I have realized that early A.M. facebooking helps me wake up. An early dose of stalking, love it.

W6 Day 1,2,3

I finished week 6! I struggled through my first two runs, exhausted from working, stress, life in general... But then my friend posted a video called "My 120 Pound Journey" from youtube.com on her facebook. And I got inspired. My long run for the week, 25 minutes, wasnt a killer. Well let me clarify, it was a killer, but I felt like I could do it. If I want it, all I have to do is do it. I am running and completing the C25K. It is a slow run, but this is more running than I have ever done, and that I ever thought I would do.

Running is a gift. I often get so wrapped up in me...my running, my fatigue, my time, that forget about all the people who can't run.. I dedicate my slow jog to them. I can run, and I am running.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

W5 D1,2,3

I made it through week 5! I am totally impressed with my progress!

Today I ran the dreaded 20 minutes. I think I only made it about a mile and a half, but I am still proud of myself. So far, I think that is the longest I have ever run straight through, time or distance. Clearly, I wont be winning any races, but for me this is a small accomplishment on my long journey to 26.2.

Now that I have been running around my neighborhood for some time now, I have noticed I am becoming accepted into the running club. Even though I am moving a pace that is at best, slightly faster than a crawl, all the other runners are waving, greeting me, and acknowledging their new found member into the club. I especially liked the member that passed me today, running very fast, with no shirt on. He smiled, waved, and asked how I was doing. It put a little extra spring in my step.

Now that I am done with the dreaded 20 minute run, I think it will be smooth sailing from here on out. I know that I can do it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

W4D1,2, and 3

This has proven to be a mentally challenging week. I am running at a very, very slow pace that I know I can run for several minutes at. But mentally I have to repeat "...you can do this, you can do this..." to make it until my next walking interval. But I am proud to say I have been running for a month now and I feel great! I have not failed a week of training and I am trying my best to continue to make that statement true. Next week I run 20 minutes straight for my last run and I am nervous! Next Friday is the single most dreaded run since I have started the program! Ekkkkkkkk!!!!!!

I have some new running goals that I think will keep my training focused...5K in the end of Oct, PF Chang half marathon in Jan ( I think I can get all the training for it done in time) and then Detroit Marathon next Oct. These are some lofty goals, but I think if I put my mind to it I will succeed.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I am done with week 3!

I have to admit, I cant believe that I am still going strong! For the first time today I tried to convince myself not to run, and then talked myself out of it because I thought it would be a good stress reliever!

Running doesn't feel as torturous anymore. Well that feeling will probably come back next week... but for now I feel great! Also with my new shoes, my knees are starting to hurt less. Yippee!

Until next time...Happy running!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Tonight was my first evening run. Though it was nice not to have the morning sun beams blinding me, I think I actually prefer the morning runs (not the waking up, but the ready-for-the-day feeling and alertness you get from the morning jogs).

I bought an official pair of running shoes today. I went to Runners Den in Phoenix and purchased a pair of expensive "white, lightning, and electric blue" asics. According to the box they have a gel foundation (not sure what that even means...). The man who helped me was very informative. He is the closest person I have to any sort of running coach, expert, anything, so I pumped him full of questions ( and he may actually know nothing about running! Lol). He told me that my knees hurt because of one, two, or three of these factors : Muscle imbalance, genetics, and flexibility. I am assuming a little of all three. But he fit me for some shoes to help with my over pronation (sp?) problem so he told me to ice my knees, use the new shoes, and my knees should feel better in 2 - 3 weeks. We shall see...

He also told me that when you start running 10+ miles your feet can swell up to a full shoe size. If you don't buy your running shoes big, you can break the cuticle on your toenails and your entire nail with come off with your sock! That is soooooo gross! I have been intrigued by it all night. Josh doesn't find it as fascinating as I...I think I'm going to go Google a pic of some runners toe nail tragedies.

Night all.