Sunday, September 12, 2010

W4D1,2, and 3

This has proven to be a mentally challenging week. I am running at a very, very slow pace that I know I can run for several minutes at. But mentally I have to repeat " can do this, you can do this..." to make it until my next walking interval. But I am proud to say I have been running for a month now and I feel great! I have not failed a week of training and I am trying my best to continue to make that statement true. Next week I run 20 minutes straight for my last run and I am nervous! Next Friday is the single most dreaded run since I have started the program! Ekkkkkkkk!!!!!!

I have some new running goals that I think will keep my training focused...5K in the end of Oct, PF Chang half marathon in Jan ( I think I can get all the training for it done in time) and then Detroit Marathon next Oct. These are some lofty goals, but I think if I put my mind to it I will succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Speed is overrated anyways, so don't worry about that! You're getting addicted, aren’t you???
