Tuesday, September 28, 2010

W6 Day 1,2,3

I finished week 6! I struggled through my first two runs, exhausted from working, stress, life in general... But then my friend posted a video called "My 120 Pound Journey" from youtube.com on her facebook. And I got inspired. My long run for the week, 25 minutes, wasnt a killer. Well let me clarify, it was a killer, but I felt like I could do it. If I want it, all I have to do is do it. I am running and completing the C25K. It is a slow run, but this is more running than I have ever done, and that I ever thought I would do.

Running is a gift. I often get so wrapped up in me...my running, my fatigue, my time, that forget about all the people who can't run.. I dedicate my slow jog to them. I can run, and I am running.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing AWESOME! I also think about people who can't run - or even walk. There is gentleman in this area who is blind and runs 5 days a week with a running partner...talk about inspiring!
